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Publications Citing the UC Davis/NIH NeuroMab Facility (6585 total as of May 23, 2024)

Please cite the "UC Davis/NIH NeuroMab Facility" as the source of NeuroMabs. Also, please include the complete clone number (e.g., N52A/42) and the Antibody Registry identification number (e.g., RRID:AB_2120479) to avoid ambiguity.

Are we missing one of your peer-reviewed publications that shows data obtained with a NeuroMab?  If you review the list below and see that one of your publications in which you have cited the use of a NeuroMab is missing, then please let us know by emailing us a) the full citation with PMID # and b) the specific NeuroMab clone(s) used.

Use "Search Publications" box above to search for publications by NeuroMab or by target name (note that the publication database is not up to date).

Google Scholar results for searches using the term "NeuroMab"

2006:   10 publications
2007:   22 publications
2008:   89 publications
2009: 130 publications
2010: 249 publications
2011: 269 publications
2012: 373 publications
2013: 439 publications
2014: 445 publications
2015: 476 publications
2016: 468 publications
2017: 557 publications
2018: 440 publications
2019: 526 publications
2020: 503 publications
2021: 494 publications
2022: 438 publications
2023: 357 publications

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